(303) 468-8100
Two Swedes Glögg
750ml, $16.99
Untarnished, alive, potent. The original. All you need to brighten the day and warm up the night.
Popular mainly in the northern parts of Europe, it was usually consumed during the darkest, coldest times of the year. Many different spices were used in different regions, as well as the addition of hard liquor to taste, for flavor and effect. It is worth noting that many glögg fiends found out the hard way that heating the glögg to more than 155' will burn off the alcohol and lessen the desired effect.
Don't lessen the desired effect. Don't heat it to more than 
155' F, or 70' C.
How does it work? The warm liquid raises the temperature of the mouth and stomach slightly, and because alcohol is a vasodilator, it forces blood to the skin, making us feel warm and blushing on the outside.